We are sorry to say that we are suspending our Recycling Program this year, 2024.
  • You could help us with donations as costs for recycling have gone up dramatically

RECYCLE – It has been estimated that 100 million balls go into US landfills each year.

Tennis balls are not considered to be biodegradable

Advantage Tennis ultimately wants to work with you to keep all the old tennis balls in Northern Virginia out of the landfills, streams, lakes and fields.

Clearly we tennis players want to do our part.  Non-decomposing balls in landfills and our neighborhoods is not a good outcome.

Now we can truly recycle the balls, not just re-use them.

Tennis balls may be re-used, for instance, in art projects and to quiet school chairs or for mobility walker feet. Many re-use purposes are great, however in some cases re-used balls still ultimately land the old balls into trash or litter, or worse they get left in fields or streams.

We may provide used balls to organizations with a valid re-use purpose, and with the ultimate intent of a clean environment.


We will not provide the old balls to individuals or organizations for resale.  We make no money recycling balls.  This program has a non-trivial cost for us and if you would like to you can donate here.

We would like to make you a partner in this program as well, however as of the 4th quarter of 2021 we have to suspend our free partnership program.

Please contact us if you are interested in working with us.

Thank you for helping us make this contribution toward making the world a better place, one ball at a time.