
Serve – Rally – Score

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For playing in a developmental format with Orange or Green balls.

  • Play can be coached or not-coached – your choice.
  • Play starts in the summer
  • SRA – WRA – MHC Developmental (Orange-Green) Competitive Play.
We recommend that if play is not at one of the 3 Clubs that it be in zip codes 22307, 22308, or 22309.
Use the form below to sign up to get grouped to play.

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- Step 1 of 4

This is not a registration form.

Women's competitive play needs to be a 2-step process. Once we get enough interested players signed up we'll form the play group or "league".
You will be asked this question again near the end of this form
You will receive a copy of this form at the email address you enter here.
This will not be shared with other players.
For your information you can see functional descriptions of play levels here

Coached Play?

Orange ball tennis is also the default Cardio Tennis ball, and we call it the equalizer ball. Orange tennis begs for coached play more than the others because the court is a different size.

WRA has an International Standard Orange ball court

Court 2 at WRA is an international and USTA standard Orange court.
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Check all that apply
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