Physical Fitness –  Cardio Tennis

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This general information is provided for your convenience and is not to be construed or understood to be medical advice. We are not medical professionals. For medical advice in general, and specific to you, please seek the counsel of a medical professional.
To get your true resting heart rate and you maximum safe and training heart rates you need to be examined and tested by a doctor.  The information below is generalized based on your age and a typical fitness level.

Heart-Rate Targeting

For determining a your heart rate goals for fitness training you would typically use your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate and target values in between.
  • To simplify this further an estimate for your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220.
    • For example, if you are 30 years old your estimated maximum heart rate by this method would be 220 – 30 = 190.
    • If you are 50 years old the formula is 220 – 50 = 170.
To look at 5 different zones of cardio training we can estimate with percentages of the maximum as listed below:
Estimate:  220 minus age….
50-60%                 Very light – Improves health and helps recovery
60-70%                 Light – Improves basic endurance and fat burning
70-80%                 Moderate – improves aerobic fitness
80-90%                 Hard – increases Maximum performance capacity
90-100%               Maximum – develops maximum performance and speed
To lead healthiest lifestyle possible and to get maximum results it is recommended that you spend time in all 5 zones in a week’s training time

Heart Rate Estimation Table

Using these approximations we have calculated some values for you in the table below.

Heart Rate Monitors

For fitness training a heart rate monitor is the way to go, and particularly given how many wearable devices are available that will give monitor your heart rate for you.

Generally speaking, wrist worn heart rate monitors are not as accurate as chest straps however any automatic monitoring is a great step forward in your fitness tracking and training.

Top Ten-Reasons-to-use-a-HRM (opens a PDF)