Adult Programs: Franconia – Groveton


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Your technical skills give you tennis abilities, which allow you to execute your tactics, which support your strategy.  Lessons are Fun!
Practice is how we progress, and focused practice results in faster progress.  Drills are Fun!
Tennis is a whole mind-body fitness activity.  It’s all Fun!

Here are the offerings:

An easy commute in the afternoon from anywhere in Alexandria City just a bit down Telegraph Road

Adult Skill-Building Lessons

Program or Class TypeFFCO LocationDay & TimeBegin DateQuantity & Min/MaxPrice
Adult Beginner/Advanced BeginnerStone Mansion CourtsSunday at 12:30 PM02/02/20246 classes & 4/8 players$145
Adult Beginner/Advanced BeginnerFranconia RecMonday at 6:00 PM02/03/20246 classes & 4/8 players$145



Step 1 of 7

This form is for Adult Lessons, Social, Open Play, Cardio, or Drills Classes

We are sorry we cannot register two responsible adults at the same time