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Nominal posture for Programs by season


Program Name/Type

Objective is to:


Spring Summer  Fall  Winter School Closures
Cardio Tennis Provide cardiovascular fitness in a fun environment YES YES YES YES  NA
Doubles Improve tactics and strategy, and also shot decision-making and shot making. YES YES YES  YES  NA
Drills & Practice Improve tactical play ability improvement and/or honing of skills YES YES YES  YES  Maybe
Fitness Training Improve athleticism and fitness to play more effectively and injury free. YES YES YES YES  NA
F.I.T.T. Provide Fun Intensive Tennis Training as a half-day program for kids that run 1 week at a time to provide comprehensive tennis exposure and improvement No YES  No  No YES
Lessons Provide Technical and Tactical skill/ability development YES YES YES YES  YES
Mental / Emotional Discipline Learn tools and methods to arrive at the ideal play state routinely YES YES YES YES  NA
Play & Competitive Play Have fun with one of the most fundamental reasons for sport – enjoy being active and playing. YES YES YES  No NA
School Programs Provide a fun and educational exposure for first-time kids, and more for those who are ready.  And provide opportunities for those players that couldn’t otherwise play. YES YES YES YES YES
Score, Advanced Give league and match players a thorough game-based understanding of play etiquette and rules YES YES YES YES YES
Serve, Rally & Score (SRS) Instill play procedures that are compliant and efficient; and ensure players have the minimum abilities to play competitively YES YES YES  YES  NA
Team Coaching Provide junior and adult teams at clubs and in leagues with fun improvement of play and enable social interactions YES YES YES  Maybe  NA

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